Ready for a getaway?

Meet a few of the faces behind the PKG brand and a few of their personal picks for travel!

Travel essentials designed with purpose.

Rachel's "organized travel" must haves

Josh's "overnight essentials" for all his gear

(Gord) & Laura's "Weekend essentials" for overpacking and dog treats

PKG Georgian 33L Tote bag
$122.00 USD
Light GreyBlackTranquil GreenVintage Blue+ 1 more
PKG Elora 4L Cross-body
$81.00 USD
Light GreyRum RaisinGinger RootBlackVintage BlueTranquil Green+ 3 more
PKG umiak 27L Tote - packable
$51.00 USD
Forest GreenLight GreyNavyRum RaisinBlack+ 2 more
PKG Bishop 42L Duffel bag
$143.00 USD
Dark GreyBlackNavyTranquil GreenVintage Blue+ 2 more

Mike's "year round travel" must haves for any day of the week

Sheelagh's "gone for the weekend" go-to items for a quick trip